Access and safety apprasials

Decorative photographic view of the top of a skyscraper, from its base, looking up through latticed glazing.

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Copyright Rod A Hunter


Auditing with:

Data entry is via interactive forms that enable the selection of tabs, buttons and drop-down boxes.
To generate reports, all that is required is the entry of data and the selection of desired report formats. That is all, the rest happens automatically.
The automated analysis and reporting of the data results from database tables and queries comprised of thousands of lines of computer code. They encapsulate the requirements of the Regulations and Standards related to accessibility, including the myriad and complexity of conditions upon which many of the requirements depend.


Step 1: Select forms for data entry.


Step 2: Enter data in each selected form


Partial screen-shot of data-entry form for doorways


As an alternative to text-based forms, a graphical user interface (GUI) is currently being developed, as shown here for doorways. A GUI can be easier and quicker to use and facilitates auditing by non-expert auditors.

Step 3: Select the type of report required

Selecting a highlighted cell automatically generates a report - as illustrated by the following samples.

Except for Sample 10, the reports are in semi-text format for easier readership. Spread-sheet formats are also available.

Report sample 1. Deficiencies summarised by Attributes - with respect to the requirements of the Building Code of Australia (BCA) - see Report 7 below

Report sample 2. Deficiencies summarised by Attributes - with respect to the requirements of the Building Code of Australia (BCA) and proposed Aceess Code for Buildings etc. - see Report 7 below)

Report sample3. Deficiencies summarised by Location and Feature - with respect to the requirements of the Building Code of Australia (BCA) - see Report 8 below.

Report sample 4. Rectifications summarised by Feature and Location - with respect to the requirements of the Building Code of Australia (BCA) and proposed Access Code for Buildings etc. - see Report 8 below)

Report sample 5. Rectification costs summarised by Location - with respect to the requirements of the Building Code of Australia (BCA) - see Report 8 below.

Report sample 6. Rectifications (detailed) summarised by Feature and Location - with respect to the requirements of the Building Code of Australia (BCA) and proposed Aceess Code for Buildings etc. - see Report 8 below)

Report sample 7 (appendix). Illustrations album. Illustrations in reports can be viewed via hyperlinks or, using an index number, by referring to an album as shown here. by

Report sample 8 (appendix). Guidance on using the "Attribute" reports.

Report sample 9 appendix). Guidance on using the "Features" and "Locations" reports.

Report sample 10. This is a very simple tabular report.


Design auditing

aXspert integrates with AutoCad so that deficient features are highlighted on the design or construction drawings and a table of the deficiencies inlcuded at the bottom of the drawing. This greatly increases the efficiency in identifying where deficiencies occur.


Design and training aids

With inversion of text expressions, the forms used for audit data-entry are also available as design and training aids.

For quantitative data, "test" values can be entered to establish the quantum of any deficiency.